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Forum URL: http://www.dombom.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Tuelz
Topic ID: 55
Message ID: 0
#0, Tuelz and wordpress blogs
Posted by sylmarilian on Mar-20-07 at 05:07 PM

Sorry if this ends up in the wrong place.

Re: Tuelz in general -

Are they compatible with wordpress blogs,or only with standard webpages.

I'm thinking of just building blogs,with appropriate Themes,and not bothering about websites,as some people recommend this,saying that the S.E.'s love wordpress,and there are many valuable but free plug-ins,which can really help with almost every aspect of building,optimizing,getting traffic etc.

However,I've wanted the Tuelz since I first read about them.

I suppose what I'm asking,in a nutshell,is this:

Are the languages used to build normal webpages,and blogs,close enough that the Tuelz would still have the ability to carry out their tasks/make their alterations etc.,in relation to a blog,rather than a website?

Or would the wordpress platform/language be so different that the Tuelz couldn't operate as intended?

Thanks in advance for any answers.

Best Wishes,
