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Forum URL: http://www.dombom.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: The New MadBomber Marketing and SEO Forum
Topic ID: 366
Message ID: 232
#232, Open Question: Find out who u will make a cute couple with HERE?
Posted by Kurt on Dec-24-10 at 05:00 PM
In response to message #0
Open Question: Find out who u will make a cute couple with HERE?
answer only if you have a picture uploaded of your self

just say yes
if you want to be entered and well vote and see who youll be paired with shortly

Open Question: What kind of music you enjoy?

Open Question: Answer questions below (girls only)?
When did you start your period?
What was your bra size at 13?
How fat/skinny were you at 13?

Open Question: Is my little sister psychic?
Last week my little sister, 10, kept saying that a family member, uncle Billy was going to die. My mom and dad kept telling her to quit it. I knew something was weird with what she was saying so I questioned it and she gave me all the details. Stuff like "he's gonna die in a car accident". I sat her down and told her she was making up stuff and she cried and said she was telling the truth.

So the next 2 days were normal, then we got the call that uncle bill did die, but not how she said. He died in his sleep. I still think it was a little strange what she predicted... Do you think she was just saying that, and that it's nothing to worry about?

Open Question: what is a good make out movie that is in theaters now?
me and my boyfriend are going to a movie, but we want to make out because were teens. so does anyone have any suggestions?

Open Question: So... what do YOU want for Christmas?
I want a camera

Open Question: Was that stuff laced or what?

Open Question: Greatest places to 'get it in'?
Just need a few creative suggestions. No need for detail - just a location.

Thanks. (;


Open Question: Poll: What race do you want to date?
other than your own?

Open Question: country love songs for a guy?
me and my boyfriend have been dating for a little while and he always gives me these super sweet "i love you" "you're perfect" type songs. i find a lot of country songs, but most of them are a guy singing to a girl...i want one where a girl is singing to a guy that's sweet and just really good. anyone know any? please help! thanks <3

Open Question: Did you guys know you can track Santa on Google Maps?

I hope that link works. Anyway I thought I'd just share so some of you old people can show the kids lol. He was in Ireland last time I looked
ok, I got it from google maps thats all

Open Question: How do you know Santa has to be a man?

Open Question: Blue and Orange Football Names!!!!!!?
Im looking for a football team name that the team colors are blue and orange.
Any suggestions?

Open Question: Can you run without getting tired?

Open Question: Which Judge Judy episode is this?
A teenage mum plus her boyfriend have a baby daughter. The teenage mum is a mixed race Asian/Caucasian and the boyfriend is Hispanic. The girl works in a fast food restaurant and the boy (who has a twitch) was pretty useless. The girl's mum is Asian and the step-dad is Hispanic. They threw out the boyfriend from their trailer because he refused to get a job. The step-dad had got him one, but he fluffed it up. The girl went with her boyfriend and they took the baby, but left their stuff in a shed which leaked and their furniture was ruined. They wanted the mum and stepdad to pay for their furniture. The girl's biological dad was in the military.

Open Question: When you get a present you don't like what do you do?

Open Question: Why are most popular songs on the radio always about drinking or sex?
I haven't listened to the radio because all that's ever on there is either some dude trying to get laid or partying.

Open Question: have you ever played marry,do, or die ?
so you someone gives you a list of 3 people you either choose marry them,have sex,or kill them
lets play
girls choices: justin beiber, robert patinson, Lil wayne

boys choices: Brittany Spears, Jessica Alba, Salma Hayek

Open Question: really good song that you might like?
not really a question but this is a cool song you might like..


btw merry christmas to everyone out there!

Open Question: Have you ever been high?
I've been high plenty of times and I wonder what its like to be drunk. I don't mean high by weed or drugs... I mean high by doing it the white boy way lol(sniffing glue,eating(ground) nutmeg, and sniffing sharpie/expo marker) But how did you get high? I don't get high as much as I used to

Open Question: what do you think tupac is doing for christmas right now?
what do you think tupac is doing for christmas right now?
do you think hes partying with jesus

Open Question: Did you know Veruca Salt's father acted in Mike and the Mechanics' band?>
Roy Mitchell Kinnear (1934-1988) was Mr. Salt in the 1971 musical film of children's story "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and was the Mechanics' "manager" in their 1985 and 1986 music videos of "All I Need Is a Miracle" and "Taken In."



Mechanics 2

Open Question: Poll: Have you ever heard of the band "Big Bang"?
G-Dragon is hot.

Open Question: Whats this song? Girl in black SVU?
Its a white girl that raps, and drives around in a black SVU

Open Question: Do you get it crunk in da club?

Open Question: Poll: Do you know your SSN by heart?
Sadly I haven't memorized it. I keep it in a safe place though and look at it when necessary.
@ Burnt Kittenz You expect me to believe that? I'm young, but I sure wan't born yesterday child. =D

Open Question: Country, Classical, Rap, or Srceamo. Which is the worst?
I like all of them except country. (except for maybe like 1 or 2 Taylor Swift songs that i can tolerate)

country is so bad that it actually makes people suicidal. SERIOUSLY.
I saw it on manswers on spike one time. I like everything else. cuz im cool like that

What about you? Which of those is the worst?

Open Question: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Looking for the funniest answer... i mean, if you have my sense of humor... but if you can say any other "Why did the _________ cross the ______" jokes... then please Post them up here... <3

Open Question: What is Vedic Astrology ?!?
Is it any different from the normal one ... and what sign I am suppose to be according to it
DOB: 15 August 1987

Open Question: Why are you on yahoo answers on christmas eve?
I'm jewish

Open Question: Am I a good singer?(link to youtube)?
hey i was just wondering if i could sing and what i could improve upon

plz be honest

Open Question: Poll: to you, is this true?
There were 3 men that made a competition:

The first man said: "My leg is the shortest in the world!"

The second man said: "My arm is the shortest in the world!"

The third man said: "My penis is the shortest in the world!"

They all went check to the Guinness Book of World Records and when they came out:

The first man said: "Yep, mine is the smallest!"

The second man said: "Yep, mine is the smallest!"

The third man said: "Who is Justin Bieber?!"

Open Question: Have you ever won a contest?

Open Question: Did anybody get what they wanted this year?

Open Question: "Snak The Ripper" have you heard of this rapper?
This isn't me. Just an underground rapper. who has talent and is popular in my area.. check him out tell me if you like it?





Open Question: Poll: Dogs or Cats? 10 easy points?

Open Question: Death is Silent vs Be?

Open Question: what is the song name that is called high?
i heard it in the radio and the man that was talking said the name of the song was high but i cant find it the song goes like this "like the electric boogaloo ozone turbo and kelly " something like that but the song is new

Open Question: l,ll be home for Christmas?
you can count on me.

Open Question: does nobody...Care About Celebrity Crap Anymore?

Open Question: Ian Somerhalder&Nina Dobrev picture?
I'm looking for the picture which has been taken with Ian's phone in this moment. I'm pretty sure I've seen it before, maybe on his twitter but I can't find it now.

Open Question: were tupac and beyonce friends?

Open Question: Does any one know this Holiday movie?
its a holiday movie where a young girl finds an injured reindeer and doctors it back to health. There is a bad guy (or woman) who has a car...
There might be a father who doesn't want the said girl...
and thats about all i can remember.

Does it sound familiar to anyone?

Open Question: Anyone know these lyrics?
it's like rap song talking about how he wants to "forget about my last girl, im feelin you and im hoping you'll be my next girl,and i love everything from your feet up to your neck girl, you on my mind 24 7.... i only wanna be with you...with you" that's what i got from it. i don't know the song and no one else does. anyone have any ideas? the lyrics may not be in that order, there may be a couple words but that's all i could figure out.

Open Question: Why am I not getting 4 points anymore when everyone else is ?????????
I just asked this in a question and everyone else said no we still have 4 when Im only getting 2 points a question!

I live in the UK, can anyone else from my end answer please? #sadtimes

Open Question: what do you do when you think nobody is watching?

Open Question: What was the last movie you watched?
Did you like it?
I watched Heyy Babyy last night... it was pretty good

Open Question: Brightness fading, returning to normal repeatedly while watching a movie on the Wii through netflix?
Anytime I watch a movie on Netflix with my Nintendo Wii, the brightness fades, and then returns to normal....and continues this process the entire time the movie is on. Does anyone know why it's doing this?

Open Question: Is white wine good...?

Open Question: Monotone singing voice?
I really want to be able to sing for my own pleasure. I've played guitar for ten years but I've never practiced singing because I've always hated my voice. Now, I'm ready to practice but I sound so monotone. I have a VERY small range. My tone isn't bad but I just can't figure out how to sing other notes. Is there any way to learn how to actually sing or am I just out of luck because of the voice I was born with?