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Forum URL: http://www.dombom.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: The New MadBomber Marketing and SEO Forum
Topic ID: 378
Message ID: 12
#12, RE: RSS Explosion LOVE HATE relationship
Posted by Mou_here on Dec-12-07 at 09:52 AM
In response to message #11
LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-07 AT 10:44 AM (PST)
Hi Kurt,

Here's one of the several blog I created with RSS Explosion Software.


The sidebar contains a 'main-tin.rss' as you explained in the other thread. I'm going to update this feed with more tin resources I create

I have used scrubz to create this feed.

Is this what you want us to do? Is the feeds appearing as it should be in the sidebar? They are just showing the Feed Titles that have been included in the main-tin.rss. Should it be that way?

Also where does the rss blackhole feed fit in this? I've sme blogs created with the blackhole feed in the sidebar

And finally, In case of Wordpress blogs there's no option to add the feeds in the sidebar. So what we do for those? Do we simply add the (tin/silver) site url as the blogrolls for Tin WP blogs?

~ Mou

UPDATE: After Posting above, I included more feeds in the main-tin.rss through scrubz and uploaded it. However, the Modified feed is not reflected in any of the blog's sidebar. They are showing the same 4 feed titles when actually it should be 9. So this fails the whole purpose i.e one main feed to control all resources. What I'm doing wrong? Any idea?