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Forum URL: http://www.dombom.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: The New MadBomber Marketing and SEO Forum
Topic ID: 430
Message ID: 2
#2, RE: Moniterz Full and General Download Info (July 2010)
Posted by Kurt on Aug-05-10 at 07:04 PM
In response to message #1
LAST EDITED ON Feb-26-11 AT 02:10 PM (PST)
I'll leave this up just a little bit longer....

But I want to point out something you may not have thought of concerning your link "wheels".

I'm using the term "link wheels" very loosely and I really mean any linking strategy.

Let's say you have a linking pattern set up something like this:

bookmarks -> free host -> blogger -> secondary host -> hubpages -> Gold Site

If you lose your link on any of these properties, you've lost some of the power of your link wheel. And the closer the lost link is to your Gold Site, the more power you've lost.

If this is an important link wheel, you may want to use Moniterz to check to make sure your links are up on certain pages. In the example above, I'd definitely have Moniterz moniter my secondary host as well as my Gold Site and the free hosting, but I'd also consider adding the Hubpage to Moniterz.

The Hubpage is close to the Gold Site and I want to keep my eye on it...

This full version of Moniterz can scan pages to make sure a certain string of text is on the page. I may want to set Moniterz to look for some text in an article to make sure an account hasn't been cancelled.

If you have an Ezine Articles or multiple Twitter and FaceBook accounts, you may want to monitor them.

You go through a lot of trouble creating content, sites, blogs, links, etc. Spend a few seconds to set up Moniterz to keep an eye on your most important assets. I think you may find the info gathered by Moniterz interesting, if not essential.