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Forum URL: http://www.dombom.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: The New MadBomber Marketing and SEO Forum
Topic ID: 436
Message ID: 5
#5, RE: The Google News Experiment
Posted by Kurt on Jun-06-10 at 10:38 PM
In response to message #4
>I'm definitely happy to contribute - I can pull together 10
>stories or so quite quickly based around a variety of

>The sticking point for many is how to make a topic
>Here are a few quick ideas (feel free to add):
>- product launch
>- local interest
>- opinion on news item
>- poll results
>These can be mix and matched (i.e. poll result on new gadget
>launch - will people buy x?).
>The latter two I'd have to do some testing with, but I can
>imagine using a load of 'off topic' forums (preferably
>private/unindexed) to ask people's opinions on news stories
>(or indeed almost any topic) to provide the majority of a
>news story that pushes public opinion. Mechanical Turk might
>be another cheap way of doing it.
>Polls could be tackled in a similar way, or via a free
>service like Ask500, and the results also have an immediate

Hey Thom,

>One thing I like about this idea is that it's very suitable
>for outsourcing - assuming the overall strategy is

This is my concern. All the positive comments are about being accepted as a news source. No comments at all about actually making money.

I'm almost ready to submit the site. Right now, we just need news articles, like about the BP oil spill, sports news, celebrities, etc. just to be fresh.

And at least 3 new news stories need to be added daily until the site is approved. This could be a few days or a few weeks, so I need to make sure we're committed before we begin.

I also need to let everyone know there won't be any Adsense on pages until we're approved...

I'm going to try to get everything else in order within a couple of days, then begin writing...