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Forum URL: http://www.dombom.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: The New MadBomber Marketing and SEO Forum
Topic ID: 530
Message ID: 8
#8, RE: Monetize - Revenue Streams
Posted by isnedd on Jan-04-08 at 11:32 AM
In response to message #7
Hi Karsten

No, I don't use Ebay shops/stores, I use a combination of a:se, which is a script that uses Ebay's API, or I use a variety of templates which integrate RSS feeds into a .php framework, but which always results in HTML output.
A lot of the Ebay solutions use JS, which the bots can't read, and are therefore not 'SEO friendly'. If you have HTML output, which changes each time the feed updates, you have constantly updating content. The 900lb Gorilla is, on the one hand, demanding fresh content but when you supply it, from it's 'mortal enemy', you wind up in the Supps. Sooner or later, that particular 'circle' will get 'squared', so build pages accordingly.

The reason I brought up the RSS feeds, is, of course, using the Newz Tuel and ZZ, we can display RSS feeds, as static, but updating, HTML, without the need for the all-singing, all-dancing web-hosting, that my solutions require.

Therefore ideal as an initial monetisation model, for those who are on a shoestring budget and who don't wish to 'tip their hand' to the 900lb Gorilla, by using Adsense, as their initial monetisation model.

I was asking, in my previous post, for more inventive ways of using these RSS feeds. I'm sure they exist, within the 'arsenal' available to us, we just need to coax the 'grey matter' into revealing the various ways we can make use of this particular set of RSS feeds.


Kind regards
