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Forum URL: http://www.dombom.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Tuelz
Topic ID: 59
#0, Inz 2.0 Question
Posted by Blase on Aug-15-07 at 09:42 AM

I am confused.

The Inz tool searches to see if pages
contain a keyword or phrase in the page
title, body text and anchor-link text.

Let's say I am using the keyword "acne".

I understand how it can be in the page title,
and the body text.

I don't understand the anchor-link text.

With the anchor-link am I linking to another
aricle about acne and using a different phrase
that contains the word acne?

I'm sure it's a simple answer I just don't get it.


#1, RE: Inz 2.0 Question
Posted by Kurt on Aug-15-07 at 09:51 AM
In response to message #0
Hi Blase,

Anchor text is one of the most important aspects of on-page seo.

You generally inherit some of the relevancy of the pages you link to.

You can either link out to other relvant pages or link to your own pages. For example: acne-article parts 1 and 2.

Or, create a blog and/or squidoo lense and inter-link that way.

BTW, please use the specific Inz thread so all info is on one page and not scattered throughout the forum.

There is a direct link to the Inz thread on Inz.

I've locked this thread so you'll need to use the Inz thread from now on...Thanks.