is basically an automated link exchange service...its 47/month but Clickbank somehow charged me 58 (tax included) thats almost 60 bucks..after reading a lot of positive reviews
I finally signed up a month ago... the message/support board was somehow deserted not a good sign
while the owner usually answers all the support emails pretty quickly it took almost a week to get my sites accepted into the system (the owner had to take care of some personal things) this not good see why if you read on
-I found that most of the sites in the system are low quality sites
-some of the sites are already expired or deleted their exchange pages(where they place your links)
-most exchange pages I checked where not even indexed in google - imo this is due to the fact that out of the box the exchange pages are not seo friendly - I couldnt find a single exchange page with PR and I checked a lot...
-though they randomized a lot of things and parameters you could super super easily spot a neurolinker exchange page - (have you seen one - then you have seen them all) meaning even if google wont catch you - your competitor will (if he knows what to look for) and report your site to Big Brother G..
-I canceled my membership yesterday after I discovered that their system was down - and ALL the links disappeared and the error code had some neurolinker text in it LOL
So if their system goes down all the linkpages and links pointing to your site are going down as well and if you cancel your membership you will loose all the links pointing to your site..
The timeframe was too short to say someting about the effectiveness of the service in terms of improving the ranking of the test site..
for almost 60 bucks its far from being a bargain -
if you have 100 (thats the number of sites allowed in the system) autoblogs it might be worth the investment..
IMO: Nobody with a clear mind would recommend this service..